Hey, I’m a visual artist based in Porto, Portugal!
Bruno de Almeida (Muzambinho, MG - Brazil / 1995) is an independent researcher and multidisciplinary artist. He holds a degree in Fashion Design from the University of Franca - SP and is currently pursuing a Master's in Product Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto, where he has been residing since 2021. Through artistic practices, he investigates the territory's identity, theories of imagination, and studies on childhood.
He develops his artistic practice through a dialogic approach that intertwines memory, art, and design. He has participated in various national and international exhibitions, with the most recent ones including: Típica Festival - Erfurt, Germany (2023), DES/ORIENTE - Porto, Portugal (2023), Playtime Paris - Paris, France (2023), and Feira da Alegria - Porto (2023). He has also collaborated with different national and international companies, notably receiving the recent Art Locky by CTT Portugal award (2023).
He is a co-founder of NIBA - Núcleo de Imigrantes da Belas Artes do Porto, established in 2023 by a group of students from FBAUP.
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